How The Vatican Created Islam
Quote:'How the Vatican created Islam. The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican.From "The Prophet":This...
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Uh you better be careful else you trip yourself up... It is historic fact that Jerusalem continued to belong to the Roman Empire up into the sixth or seventh century.When did ISLAM start?Quote:...
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Tan:You and I know this is a forged document. This guy was married and had 2 kids by 1967.
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He did?????? Can you show us documentation of that!Wow... a priest married with 2 kids.
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Quote:Wow... a priest married with 2 kids. No...just married with tow kids. The priest part is just a part of his schtick to con people. He's just a good con man:Quote:In October 1967, Rivera went to...
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link please....I don't know much about this dude.... I wanna read up.
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A crooked priest?Nah.Impossible, NO PRIEST ever was a crook, that is proof positive that he could not have been a priest.Right?Have you even read the rebuttal...
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Tan: You are right about one thing. He is crooked. Never was a priest though and there is no documentation of it. He says he was a bishop too and yet no documentation (newspaper or otherwise) of it....
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UhhhhhMatt.We POSTED the letter from his "Bishop"Did you miss that part?We POSTED the OFFICIAL STATE ID CARD.Did you miss that part?Oh, I forgot, the CIA forged those and they are not real.{ As if the...
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Quote:Oh, I forgot, the CIA forged those and they are not real.No, he forged them. He is a convicted crook and that's the kind of stuff they do. The guy says he was a bishop and yet nothing on him....
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Quote:No, he forged them. He is a convicted crook and that's the kind of stuff they do. The guy says he was a bishop and yet nothing on him. Poof...disappeared!Just like the Popes that are on the...
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Budge,622 a.d.? That would be seventh century then. Just as I said.
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They were getting ready...because Jerusalem was about to slip from their fingers...637 AD Jerusalem Surrendered- Omar began a campaign against the Byzantines. The Arab forces defeated the Byzantines...
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So the Vatican created this Arab/Islamic threat to seize control of places the Vatican already controlled. ?????As I said above, coherence is not your strong suit.
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Rivera's ID was more than likely faked in order to help him escape his country. Nothing odd about that. The Vatican did things like that routinely once upon a time.Other than that single piece of his...
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I actually have an official celebret. It looks nothing like what you posted. Even Christianity Today found Rivera to be a fraud. I guess lying for the Lord is still common practice with fundy's. Where...
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